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July 14, 2000

House Passes Foreign Operations Spending Bill with Family Planning Restrictions

After two days of debate, the House on July 13 passed, 239-185, the FY2001 foreign operations appropriations bill (H.R. 4811).View More

June 30, 2000

Foreign Operations Spending Bill Approved by House Committee

The House Appropriations Committee on June 27 approved, by voice vote, the FY2001 foreign operations spending bill (as-yet-unnumbered). Overall, developmentView More

June 30, 2000

International HIV/AIDS Funds Approved by Senate Committee

On June 27, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee gave voice vote approval to a bill (as-yet-unnumbered) that would authorize HIV/AIDS-relatedView More

June 23, 2000

Senate Readies Foreign Operations Bill for Final Passage; House Subcommittee Approves Measure

On June 22, the Senate completed action on the FY2001 foreign operations appropriations bill (S. 2522), but will wait forView More

May 19, 2000

House Shows Commitment to HIV/AIDS in Africa

Demonstrating strong bipartisan support, the House approved, by voice vote, a bill (H.R. 3519) aimed at combating the HIV/AIDS crisisView More

May 19, 2000

Foreign Operations Spending Bill Ready for Senate Action

On May 18, the Senate began consideration of the FY2001 foreign operations spending bill (S. 2522); however, a Democratic objectionView More

May 12, 2000

FY2001 Foreign Operations Spending Bill Approved by Senate Committee

On May 9, the Senate Appropriations Committee also approved, by voice vote, the FY2001 foreign operations spending bill (S. 2522).View More

March 24, 2000

Senate Committee Approves Reauthorization of Foreign Aid Programs

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 23 approved, by voice vote, a bill (as-yet-unnumbered) that would reauthorize for oneView More

March 17, 2000

Committee Approves HIV/AIDS Africa Trust Fund

One week after holding a hearing on the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa, the House Banking and Financial Services Committee onView More

February 25, 2000

HIV/AIDS Crisis in Africa Examined by Senate Subcommittee

On February 24, the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs held a hearing to discuss the impact of theView More

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