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Bills Introduced

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February 26, 2016

Bills Introduced

Crime S.2577—Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX)/Judiciary (2/24/16)—A bill to protect crime victims’ rights, to eliminate the substantial backlog of DNA andView More

February 12, 2016

Bills Introduced

Child Care S. 2539—Sen. Robert Casey Jr. (D-PA)/Finance (2/10/16)—A bill to provide for mandatory funding, to ensure that the familiesView More

February 5, 2016

Bills Introduced

Family Support H.R. 4420—Rep. Bruce Poliquin (R-ME)/Agriculture (2/1/16)—A bill to provide that certain convicted felons shall be ineligible to participateView More

January 22, 2016

Bills Introduced

Abortion S. 2464—Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)/read the first time (1/21/16)—A bill to implement equal protection under the 14th Amendment toView More

January 15, 2016

Bills Introduced

Health H.R. 4362—-Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN)/Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Education and the Workforce, Judiciary, Natural Resources, House Administrations,View More

December 18, 2015

Bills Introduced

Child Protection S. 2431—Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)/Judiciary (12/18/15)—A bill to improve the training of child protection professionals. Family Support S.View More

December 11, 2015

Bills Introduced

Child Protection S. 2397—Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (12/10/15)—A bill to authorize the secretary of Health andView More

December 4, 2015

Bills Introduced

Child Protection S. 2352—Sen. Robert Casey (D-PA)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (12/3/15)—A bill to require mandatory reporting of incidents ofView More

November 20, 2015

Bills Introduced

Child Protection H.R. 4073—Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)/Judiciary (11/18/15)—A bill to establish a permanent background check system. Education S. 2290—Sen. MikeView More

November 13, 2015

Bills Introduced

Health S. Res. 312— Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)/Judiciary (11/10/15)—A resolution designating the week beginning November 8, 2015, as “National PregnancyView More

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