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April 20, 2018

The Source on Women’s Issues in Congress, April 16-20, 2018

Floor Action: International—  On April 18, the Senate passed, by unanimous consent, S. Res. 426 , a resolution supporting the goals of International Women’sView More

October 20, 2017

Senate Approves FY2018 Budget Resolution

On October 19, the Senate passed, 51-49, H. Con. Res. 71 , the FY2018 budget resolution, as amended. The Senate Budget Committee approved itsView More

October 6, 2017

House, Senate Committee Pass FY2018 Budget Resolutions

House On October 5, the House approved, 219-206, H. Con Res. 71 , the FY2018 budget resolution. The Budget Committee passed the legislation onView More

September 29, 2017

House Committee Holds Hearing on Women Veterans’ Medical Services

On September 26, the House Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on several bills, including H.R. 93 , a bill toView More

July 28, 2017

House Passes “Minibus” Appropriations Bill

On July 27, the House passed, 235-192, H.R. 3219 , the Department of Defense Appropriations Act. The bill consolidates the FY2018 Defense;View More

July 28, 2017

House Passes Veterans’ Child Care Bill

On July 28, the House passed, by voice vote, H.R. 95 , the Veterans’ Access to Child Care Act. The House Veterans’View More

July 21, 2017

Veterans’ Committee Advances Child Care Bill

On July 19, the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee approved, by voice vote, several bills, including H.R. 95 , the Veterans’ Access toView More

July 14, 2017

Senate Appropriations Committee Approves Military Construction, VA Spending Bill

On July 13, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved, 31-0, the FY2018 Military Construction, Veterans’ Affairs (VA), and Related Agencies spendingView More

June 16, 2017

House Committee Approves Military Construction-Veterans Spending Bill

On June 15, the House Appropriations Committee approved, by voice vote, the FY2018 Military Construction, Veterans’ Affairs, and Related AgenciesView More

May 26, 2017

President Submits FY2018 Budget to Congress

On May 23, President Trump submitted to Congress his first budget proposal. The document is more detailed than the budgetView More

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