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September 18, 2004

Senate Appropriations Committee Swings Into Action on FY2005 Appropriations Bills

This week, the Senate completed its consideration of the Homeland Security spending bill and began its consideration of the MilitaryView More

September 17, 2004

Congress Approves Temporary SBA Reauthorization

On September 13, the House approved, by voice vote, a bill (H.R. 5008) to temporarily reauthorize the Small Business AdministrationView More

July 23, 2004

Senate Approves Temporary SBA Reauthorization

On July 20, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a bill (S. 2700) to temporarily reauthorize the Small Business AdministrationView More

June 25, 2004

Subcommittee Looks at Health Care Options for Small Businesses

On June 24, the House Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations held a hearing to examine innovative healthView More

June 4, 2004

House Approves Temporary SBA Reauthorization

On June 3, the House approved, by unanimous consent, a bill (H.R. 4478) to temporarily reauthorize the Small Business AdministrationView More

May 21, 2004

FY2005 Defense Authorization Bill Stalls in Senate

After two days of debate, the House approved, 391-34, the FY2005 defense authorization bill (H.R. 4200) on May 20. TheView More

May 14, 2004

Committee Hears Testimony on Women Entrepreneurs

On May 12, the House Small Business Committee examined the successes and challenges of women entrepreneurs. Chair Donald Manzullo (R-IL)View More

April 30, 2004

Senate Supports Women’s Business Centers

On April 29, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a bill (S. 2267) to establish funding priorities for women’s businessView More

April 30, 2004

Small Business and the Minimum Wage Subject of Hearing

On April 29, the House Small Business Subcommittee on Workforce, Empowerment, and Government Programs held a hearing entitled, “Would anView More

April 2, 2004

Congress Approves Temporary SBA Reauthorization

On March 31, the House approved, by voice vote, a bill (H.R. 4062) to temporarily reauthorize the Small Business AdministrationView More

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