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May 4, 2007

House Subcommittee Examines Postpartum Depression

On May 1, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on the Melanie Blocker-Stokes Postpartum DepressionView More

December 23, 2005

109th Congress At-A-Glance

Congress completed action on the FY2006 spending bills before adjourning for the year on December 22. Major accomplishments for theView More

December 22, 2005

FY2006 Appropriations Summary

Prior to adjourning for the year in December, Congress completed action on the FY2006 Labor, Health and Human Services, andView More

December 21, 2005

Congress Completes Action on FY2006 Appropriations Bills

This week, Congress approved a continuing resolution to fund government programs until December 31, 2005. The House and Senate bothView More

November 14, 2005

House Supports National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

On November 7, the House approved, 348-0, a resolution (H. Res. 444) supporting the goals and ideals of National OvarianView More

November 4, 2005

Conference Reports for FY2006 Appropriations Bills Move Through Congress

This week, the Senate approved the conference report for the FY2006 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and RelatedView More

October 28, 2005

Panel Reauthorizes Indian Health Care Improvement Act

On October 27, the Senate Indian Affairs Committee approved, by voice vote, a bill (S. 1057) to reauthorize the IndianView More

September 16, 2005

Panel Reviews U.S. Foreign Assistance for Europe and Eurasia

On September 14, the House International Relations Subcommittee on Europe and Emerging Threats held a hearing to evaluate the SupportView More

September 9, 2005

Gynecologic Cancer Focus of Subcommittee Hearing

On September 7, the House Government Reform Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources heard testimony concerning effortsView More

July 29, 2005

Emergency Contraception Focus of Committee Discussion

On July 25, the House Small Business Committee held a hearing entitled, “Freedom of Conscience for Small Pharmacies.” Chair DonaldView More

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