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Bills Introduced

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May 20, 2016

Bills Introduced

Health H.R. 5243—Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY)/Appropriations, Budget (5/16/16)—A bill making appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, toView More

May 13, 2016

Bills Introduced

Abortion S. 2927—Sen. James Lankford (R-OK)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (5/12/16)—A bill to prevent governmental discrimination against providers of healthView More

April 29, 2016

Bills Introduced

Health H.R. 5044—Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY)/Appropriations, Budget (4/25/16)—A bill making supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2016 to respond to ZikaView More

April 22, 2016

Bills Introduced

Family Support H.R. 5003—Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN)/Education and the Workforce, Budget (4/20/16)—A bill to reauthorize child nutrition programs. Health H.R.View More

April 15, 2016

Bills Introduced

Abortion H.R. 4924—Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ)/Judiciary (4/13/16)—A bill to prohibit discrimination against the unborn on the basis of sex orView More

April 8, 2016

Bills Introduced

Health S. 2745—Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (4/5/16)—A bill to amend to promote the inclusion of minoritiesView More

March 25, 2016

Bills Introduced

Abortion H.R. 4828—Rep. John Fleming (R-LA)/Energy and Commerce (3/22/16)—A bill to prevent governmental discrimination against providers of health services whoView More

March 18, 2016

Bills Introduced

Employment H.R. 4755—Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA)/Science, Space, and Technology (3/16/16)—A bill to inspire women to enter the aerospace field, includingView More

March 11, 2016

Bills Introduced

Employment H.R. 4718—Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)/Financial Services (3/7/16)—A bill to require the Securities and Exchange Commission to establish a genderView More

March 4, 2016

Bills Introduced

Child Protection S. 2613—Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA)/Judiciary (3/1/16)—A bill to reauthorize certain programs established by the Adam Walsh Child ProtectionView More

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