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March 5, 2004

FY2005 Budget Resolution Headed to Senate Floor

After two days of debate, the Senate Budget Committee approved, 12-10, the FY2005 budget resolution (S. Con. Res. 95) onView More

March 5, 2004

Labor Budget Examined by House Committee

Labor Secretary Elaine Chao testified on the FY2005 budget before the House Ways and Means Committee on March 4. HerView More

February 13, 2004

House and Senate Committees Examine FY2005 Budget for SBA

Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Hector Barreto testified before the House Small Business Committee on February 11, and before theView More

February 13, 2004

HHS Budget Scrutinized by House and Senate Committees

Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Tommy Thompson testified before the House Ways and Means Committee on February 10,View More

February 13, 2004

Colin Powell Defends State Department’s FY2005 Budget

Secretary of State Colin Powell summarized President Bush’s FY2005 request for international affairs programs before the House International Affairs CommitteeView More

February 6, 2004

House and Senate Committees Hear Testimony on the President’s FY2005 Budget

Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Joshua Bolten outlined the President’s FY2005 budget before the House Budget Committee onView More

January 23, 2004

The State of the Union Address

On January 20, President Bush delivered his third State of the Union address to Congress and the American people, placingView More

January 23, 2004

Democratic Response to the State of the Union Address

On January 28, Gov. Gary Locke (D-WA) delivered the Democratic response to President Bush’s State of the Union address, focusingView More

January 23, 2004

FY2004 Omnibus Spending Bill Headed to White House

Just over a week before the President is scheduled to send his FY2005 budget to Congress, the Senate approved, 65-28,View More

April 11, 2003

Conference Report for FY2004 Budget Resolution Moves Through House

On April 11, the House approved, 216-211, the conference report for the FY2004 budget resolution (H. Con. Res. 95). AtView More

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