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July 23, 2004

Subcommittee Hearing Examines HIV/AIDS in Asia

On July 21, the House International Relations Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific held a hearing to examine the challengeView More

June 18, 2004

House Approves Bill Assisting Orphans and Vulnerable Children

On June 14, the House approved, by voice vote, a bill (H.R. 4061) to provide assistance for orphans and otherView More

April 8, 2004

HIV/AIDS in Africa Focus of Senate Subcommittee Hearing

On April 7, the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs heard testimony on the progress being made in theView More

March 12, 2004

Senate Supports International Women’s Day

On March 9, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a resolution (S. Res. 315) designating March 8, 2004, as “InternationalView More

March 12, 2004

Thompson Details FY2005 Health Care Budget

On March 10, the House Energy and Commerce Committee heard from Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson, whoView More

March 5, 2004

FY2005 Budget Resolution Headed to Senate Floor

After two days of debate, the Senate Budget Committee approved, 12-10, the FY2005 budget resolution (S. Con. Res. 95) onView More

March 5, 2004

Senate Committee Approves State Department Authorization Bill

On March 4, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved, 19-0, the State Department authorization bill (S. 2144). S. 2144 wouldView More

March 5, 2004

House Committee Questions U.S. Global HIV/AIDS Strategy

On March 4, the House International Relations Committee held a hearing to examine the implementation of the United States LeadershipView More

March 5, 2004

Senate Committee Conducts Broad Overview of U.S. Foreign Assistance Programs

In a hearing that lasted well over eight hours on March 2, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee heard testimony fromView More

February 13, 2004

Colin Powell Defends State Department’s FY2005 Budget

Secretary of State Colin Powell summarized President Bush’s FY2005 request for international affairs programs before the House International Affairs CommitteeView More

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