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July 23, 2024
Menopause and Midlife Women’s Health

Women’s Congressional Policy Institute

in cooperation with

Reps. Kat Cammack and Susie Lee

Co-Chairs, Bipartisan Women’s Caucus


Reps. Monica De La Cruz and Emilia Strong Sykes

Vice-Chairs, Bipartisan Women’s Caucus

Invite you to a Capitol Hill briefing on:

Menopause and Midlife Women’s Health

Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 12-1:30 p.m.

2044 Rayburn House Office Building


Genevieve Neal-Perry, MD, PhD, Robert A. Ross Distinguished Professor and Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of North Carolina School of Medicine

Karen Giblin, Founder and President, Red Hot Mamas Menopause Management Education Programs

Janine Austin Clayton, MD, FARVO, Associate Director for Research on Women’s Health, Director of the Office of Research on Women’s Health, National Institutes of Health

Christie Bloomquist, Vice President, Government Affairs and Policy, Astellas, will moderate this discussion

Register here if you would like to watch the live stream.

Please RSVP here to attend the lunch briefing.

Preference will be given to Members of Congress and Hill staff due to limited seating capacity.

This event is made possible through a grant from Astellas

Event Files Available for Download