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Bills Introduced

H.R. 748—-Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) / Judiciary (02/10/05)—A bill to prevent the transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion.

H.R. 776—-Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) / Judiciary (02/10/05)—A bill to provide that human life shall be deemed to exist from conception.

Child Abuse
H.R. 764—-Rep. Sue W. Kelly (R-NY) / Judiciary (02/10/05)—A bill to require the attorney general to establish a federal register of cases of child abuse or neglect.

Child Safety
H.R. 668—-Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA) / Energy and Commerce (02/08/05)—A bill to direct the Consumer Product Safety Commission to classify certain children’s products containing lead to be banned hazardous substances.

S. Res. 37—-Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) / Judiciary (02/03/05)—A resolution designating the week of February 7 through February 11, 2005, as “National School Counseling Week”.

H.R. 609—-Rep. John A. Boehner (R-OH) / Education and the Workforce (02/08/05)—A bill to amend and extend the Higher Education Act of 1965.

H.R. 670—-Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) / Education and the Workforce (02/08/05)—A bill to make permanent the teacher loan forgiveness provisions of the Taxpayer-Teacher Protection Act of 2004.

H.R. 778—-Rep. Adam H. Putnam (R-FL) / Education and the Workforce (02/10/05)—A bill to amend the Head Start Act to provide greater accountability for Head Start agencies.

Family Planning
H.R. 777—-Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) / Energy and Commerce, International Relations (02/10/05)—A bill to prohibit any federal official from expending any federal funds for any population control or population planning program or any family planning activity.

S. 306—-Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) / Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (02/07/05)—A bill to prohibit discrimination on the basis of genetic information with respect to health insurance and employment.

H.R. 676—-Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) / Energy and Commerce, Resources, Veterans Affairs, Ways and Means (02/08/05)—A bill to provide for comprehensive health insurance coverage for all United States residents.

S. 309—-Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) / Finance (02/08/05)—A bill to provide for the disposition of unused health benefits in cafeteria plans and flexible spending arrangements.

S. 311—-Sen. Gordon Smith (R-OR) / Finance (02/08/05)—A bill to permit states the option to provide Medicaid coverage for low-income individuals infected with HIV/AIDS.

H.R. 765—-Rep. Sue W. Kelly (R-NY) / Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means (02/10/05)—A bill to allow individuals a refundable credit against income tax for the purchase of private health insurance, and to establish State health insurance safety-net programs.

S. 354—-Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) / Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (02/10/05)—A bill to improve patient access to health care services and provide improved medical care by reducing the excessive burden the liability system places on the health care delivery system.

S. 350—-Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) / Foreign Relations (02/10/05)—A bill to provide assistance for orphans and other vulnerable children in developing countries.

S. Res. 48—-Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) / Foreign Relations (02/10/05)—A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding trafficking in persons.

H. Con. Res. 52—-Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK) / Energy and Commerce, Judiciary (02/09/05)—A resolution expressing the sense of Congress supporting vigorous enforcement of the federal obscenity laws.

H.R. 698—-Rep. Nathan Deal (R-GA) / Judiciary (02/09/05)—A bill to deny citizenship at birth to children born in the United States of parents who are not citizens or permanent resident aliens.

Reproductive Health
H.R. 735—-Rep. Anthony D. Weiner (D-NY) / Armed Services, Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Government Reform, Ways and Means (02/09/05)—A bill to require insurance coverage for the treatment of infertility.

H.R. 768—-Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) / Energy and Commerce (02/10/05)—A bill to provide for the reduction of adolescent pregnancy, HIV rates, and other sexually transmitted diseases.

S. 366—-Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH) / Judiciary (02/10/05)—A bill to improve women’s access to health care services and provide improved medical care by reducing the excessive burden the liability system places on the delivery of obstetrical and gynecological services.

S. 368—-Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) / Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (02/10/05)—A bill to provide assistance to reduce teen pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases, and to support healthy adolescent development.

Social Security
H.R. 750—-Rep. E. Clay Shaw (R-FL) / Budget, Rules, Ways and Means (02/10/05)—A bill to preserve and strengthen the Social Security program through the creation of personal Social Security guarantee accounts ensuring full benefits for all workers and their families, restoring long-term Social Security solvency, and to make certain benefit improvements.

Violence Against Women
H.R. 664—-Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) / Armed Services (02/08/05)—A bill to make sexual assault crimes under military law parallel with sexual assault crimes under federal law.

S. Con. Res. 10—-Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH) / Judiciary (02/08/05)—A concurrent resolution raising awareness and encouraging prevention of stalking by establishing January 2006 as “National Stalking Awareness Month”.

H.R. 696—-Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) / Education and the Workforce, Judiciary (02/09/05)—A bill to establish grants to improve and study the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

H.R. 714—-Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) / Education and the Workforce, Judiciary (02/09/05)—A bill to protect the civil rights of victims of gender-motivated violence and to promote public safety and health, and regulate activities affecting interstate commerce by creating employer liability for negligent conduct that results in an individual’s committing a gender-motivated crime of violence against another individual on premises controlled by the employer.

S. 321—-Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) / Finance (02/08/05)—A bill to provide more child support money to families leaving welfare, to simplify the rules governing the assignment and distribution of child support collected by states on behalf of children, and to improve the collection of child support.

H.R. 751—-Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) / Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means (02/10/05)—A bill to reauthorize and improve the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program by promoting work, family, and opportunity.
