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State, Foreign Operations Spending Bill Passes House, Senate Committees

This week, the House and Senate Appropriations Committees approved their respective versions of the FY2014 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs spending bills.


On July 25, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved, 23-7, the FY2014 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs spending bill (S. 1372). The State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee approved the measure on July 23.

According to the committee summary and report, the measure would provide $50.594 billion in discretionary funding in FY2014 for programs at the Department of State, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and several international organizations. The funding level is $2.7 billion below FY2013 and $1.1 billion below President Obama’s FY2014 request.

The committee notes its support of several initiatives to improve gender equality around the globe, including support of the administration’s request of $1.91 billion “for gender programs, to promote women’s political leadership, implement a multiyear strategy to respond to gender-based violence, and support implementation of the U.S. National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security.” The committee also includes $5 million in support of efforts to reduce child marriage and recommends that funds appropriated in the bill be used to increase women’s political participation (p. 55). The committee also urges investments in clean cook stoves (p. 56).

Trafficking in Persons (TIP) programs would receive a total of $50.2 million, which includes $6.521 million for the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (J/TIP).


On July 24, the House Appropriations Committee approved its version of the spending bill (as-yet-unnumbered), by voice vote. The House State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee approved the measure on July 19 (see The Source, 7/21/13).

According to its committee report, the bill would provide $34.103 billion in discretionary funding in FY2014, $7.99 billion below FY2013 and $13.767 billion below the administration’s request.

Trafficking in Persons would receive roughly $50.5 million, including $6.521 million for J/TIP (p. 77). Within the amount allocated for maternal and child health, the House bill would set aside $12 million for programs to prevent and treat obstetric fistula (p. 34).

The legislation would require the secretary of State to submit a strategy to prevent and respond to child marriage. In addition, the committee notes its support for the continuation of efforts to combat gender-based violence and directs the secretary, in consultation with the ambassador-at-large for the Office of Global Women’s Issues, to take emergency measures as necessary to respond to violence against women and girls in armed conflict settings (p. 40). Women’s leadership programs would receive $20 million in FY2014 (p. 41).

According to the summary, the House bill would eliminate direct funding for voluntary contributions to international organizations and programs, such as the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

During consideration of the bill, the committee approved, by voice vote, an amendment by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) to add language requiring reporting on HIV/AIDS country partnerships.

The chart below details funding levels for programs important to women and their families.



President’s Request2

Senate FY2014

House FY2014

Department of State

Diplomatic and Consular Affairs3 $6.549 billion $7.282 billion $7.089 billion $5.666 billion
International Peacekeeping3 $2.006 billion $2.095 billion $2.095 billion $1.68 billion
U.S. Agency for International Development (operating expenses) $1.092 billion $1.328 billion $1.284 billion $942 million

Bilateral Economic Assistance

Migration and Refugee Assistance $1.639 billion $1.761 billion $1.387 billion $1.264 billion
Global Health and Child Survival (State and USAID) $8.474 billion $8.315 billion $8.455 billion $8.175 billion
President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) $5.719 billion $5.67 billion $5.67 billion $5.67 billion
Maternal and Child Health $605.55 million4 $680 million4 $706 million $680 million
Vulnerable Children $17.5 million4 $13 million4 $22 million TBD6
Family Planning/Reproductive Health $523.95 million4 $534 million4 $565 million $461 million
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria $1.05 billion4 $1.65 billion4 $1.65 billion $1.65 billion
HIV/AIDS (USAID) $330 million $330 million $330 million TBD6
Microbicides $45 million $45 million $45 million $45 million

International Organizations and Programs

U.N. Children’s Fund (UNICEF) $131.755 million5 $125 million4 $132 million TBD6
U.N. Women (formerly UNIFEM) $7.5 million5 $7.5 million4 $7.5 million TBD6
U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA) $30.2 million5 $37 million4 $39.5 million $0

1From Senate Report 113-81. Includes the Continuing Resolution (P.L. 113-6), but does not include the across-the-board cuts mandated by the Budget Control Act (P.L. 112-25).

2From Senate Report 113-81.

3Does not include overseas contingency operations funding.

4From President Obama’s FY2014 Budget Request for the State Department.

5Reflects FY2012 funding levels.

6Funding levels were not available as of press time.