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House Reauthorizes Boys and Girls Clubs of America

On September 28, the House approved, 374-19, a bill (S. 2363) to reauthorize the Boys and Girls Clubs of America through FY2010. The Senate approved the measure on June 3 (see The Source, 6/4/04). It will now go to the White House for President Bush’s signature.

Sponsored by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), the bill would authorize $80 million for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America in FY2006, $85 million in FY2007, $90 million in FY2008, $95 million in FY2009, and $100 million in FY2010.

Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) said that the Boys and Girls Clubs of America “continue to provide a positive learning environment for children throughout this country. The Clubs have numerous nationally recognized programs that address issues pertinent to today’s youth. More than 25 programs are available to youngsters on topics including education, leadership development, the arts and substance abuse prevention. Of the several million children that benefit from the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, a large majority live in our inner cities and urban areas. These programs are essential to providing resources and nourishing skills necessary for young people to become successful, productive adults.”

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) agreed, stating, “It is with firsthand knowledge that many of us can attest to the success and opportunity provided to the youth that participate in the Boys and Girls Club programs. The Boys and Girls Clubs of Burbank, Pasadena and West San Gabriel Valley serve children in my district, and I have had the opportunity to visit and see firsthand the great work of this organization…I have seen in the computer training in the Burbank facility, the recreational activities, the arts and crafts, what a tremendous environment the Boys and Girls Club can provide for young people.”