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Senate and House Committees Extend Benefits for Women Veterans

On July 20, the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee approved, by voice vote, legislation (S. 2485) to improve veterans’ benefits. Sponsored by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA), the underlying bill focuses on the management of property belonging to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); however, the committee approved, by voice vote, a manager’s amendment by Sen. Specter that included two provisions related to women veterans.

As amended, S. 2485 would make permanent the requirement that the VA provide counseling and treatment to veterans who experienced sexual trauma while in the military, and would authorize the VA to extend these services to members of the reserves who were victims of sexual trauma while not serving on active duty. The measure also was amended to include a bill (S. 2417), sponsored by Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN), that would authorize the VA to provide up to 14 days’ care for newborns of women veterans receiving maternity care.

A similar provision regarding newborn care was added to legislation (H.R. 4658) approved by the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee on July 21. While H.R. 4658 would amend the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (PL 108-189), the substitute amendment, offered by Chair Chris Smith (R-NJ), incorporated a provision of H.R. 3387 that would authorize the VA to furnish care for newborns of women veterans. The substitute amendment specifies that the benefit would only apply to women veterans who have no other health insurance coverage. H.R. 3387, sponsored by Ranking Member Lane Evans (D-IL), did not include that language.

The newborn care provision was the subject of a heated debate. Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN) attempted to strike the provision, citing cost concerns. The committee defeated his amendment by a vote of 1-21 and approved the substitute by voice vote.