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Veterans’ Health Bills Approved by Committee

On May 19, the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee approved, by voice vote, legislation (H.R. 4231) to improve the recruitment and retention of nurses for veterans’ health care facilities and a bill (H.R. 4248) to reauthorize programs for homeless veterans. Both bills were approved by the Health Subcommittee last week (see The Source 5/14/04).

Sponsored by Chair Rob Simmons (R-CT), H.R. 4231 would establish a pilot program designed to find effective ways to recruit and retain nurses in order to reduce the current nursing shortage. The bill also would allow for alternate work schedules for nurses working at VA facilities and would allow experienced nurses to be considered for positions even if they do not hold a bachelor’s degree.

During the mark-up, Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN) expressed his concern that by allowing the VA to hire nurses without bachelor’s degrees, the level of care at VA facilities may be impacted. Rep. Simmons pledged to work through those concerns before the bill reaches the floor.

H.R. 4248, a measure to reauthorize programs for homeless veterans, also was approved by voice vote. The bill incorporates legislation (H.R. 3849) sponsored by Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX) to permanently authorize the VA’s sexual trauma counseling program.

“I think it’s time for Congress to permanently authorize this program, the need for which has been amply demonstrated,” stated Chair Chris Smith (R-NJ). Rep. Rodriguez agreed, saying, “Women constitute an increasingly larger proportion of our military…More than 100 women returning [from theater]…have already reported that they were raped by their servicemen.”