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House Supports Autism Awareness Month

On May 5, the House approved, 421-0, a resolution (H. Res. 605) recognizing the importance of increasing autism awareness. The Autism Society of America, Cure Autism Now, the National Alliance for Autism Research, and Unlocking Autism commemorate April of each year as “National Autism Awareness Month.”

Sponsored by Rep. John Tierney (D-MA), the resolution states that autism affects an estimated one of every 166 children. According to the resolution, “Autism is four times more likely to be found in boys than in girls and can affect anyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, or other factors.” Finally, the resolution states that the cost of specialized treatment for individuals with autism is approximately $80,000 per individual per year.

Rep. Tierney explained that experts “do not concur on the exact number of cases of autism spectrum disorder, but they agree autism is one of the fastest growing developmental disabilities in the United States,” adding, “There is no known cure for autism, so it is imperative to learn why autism is reaching epidemic proportions across this country.”

Praising the resolution for recognizing and commending “the parents and relatives of children with autism for their sacrifice and dedication in providing for the special needs of children with autism,” Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) stated, “Caregivers of people with special needs so often do not go noticed and are not given the attention that they deserve. It takes a special heart and a special family to cope with the daily challenges that autism gives to the families.”