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Senate Supports National Youth Service Day

On April 8, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a resolution (S. Res. 338) designating April 16, 2004, as “National Youth Service Day.”

According to the resolution, “National Youth Service Day is an annual public awareness campaign that highlights the amazing contributions that young people make to their communities throughout the year.” The resolution notes that young people should “be valued for the inherent idealism, energy, creativity, and commitment that they employ in addressing the needs of their communities.” Finally, the resolution states, “Through volunteer services and related learning opportunities, young people build character and learn valuable skills, including time management, teamwork, needs-assessment, and leadership, that are sought by employers.”

Resolution sponsor Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) said that National Youth Service Day “acknowledges the remarkable community service efforts of youth today, and encourages all people to recognize and support the significance of these contributions.”