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Mexico Subject of Senate Committee Hearing

On March 23, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing to examine the bipartisan relationship between the United States and Mexico. While most of the testimony focused on immigration, human rights and other issues of importance to women were also addressed.

Noting that the relationship between the United States and Mexico is “complex and wide-ranging,” Chair Richard Lugar (R-IN) stated, “Every day, the bilateral agenda deals with trade, management of our common border, water distribution, energy cooperation, transportation, communications, tourism, the environment, human rights, and the struggle against drugs and organized crime…Americans and Mexicans must understand that the fate of our two nations is inextricably intertwined.”

Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Roger Noriega provided details on issues of concern to both the United States and Mexico, including violence against women. He stated, “A particularly tragic circumstance is the situation in Ciudad Juarez where, since 1993, some 300 women have been murdered, approximately 90 of them in circumstances suggesting the possibility of serial killing.” Mr. Noriega said that the State Department has closely followed the issue and discussed the matter with Mexican officials. He noted that President Fox has ordered Mexico’s attorney general to assist local authorities and has appointed a commissioner to coordinate the government’s assistance. “While the crimes are Mexico’s to solve,” he explained, “the U.S. Government has provided training and technical assistance in the past and stands ready to provide further assistance.”

Mr. Noriega also addressed the trafficking of women and children, which he stated “is a worldwide curse, and one that neither the United States nor Mexico is prepared to tolerate.” He explained that the State Department is working with the Mexican Government to “explore ways in which we can intensify joint efforts to address this mutual problem.”