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House Clears Global HIV/AIDS Bill

On May 21, the House approved, by voice vote, legislation (H.R. 1298) that would provide assistance for international HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria programs. Last week, the Senate approved H.R. 1298 (see The Source, 5/16/03), sending it back to the House for approval of an amendment that would allow for debt relief for those countries most affected by HIV/AIDS. The bill is now being to the President for his signature.

H.R. 1298 would provide $3 billion in each of FY2004 through FY2008 for HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria programs. Of this amount, up to $1 billion could be used for the Global Fund to Combat AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria in FY2004. The measure also would require the Department of State to establish a Coordinator of U.S. Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally. The coordinator would be appointed by the President and would be responsible for oversight and coordination of all U.S. efforts to combat HIV/AIDS internationally.