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House Unanimously Approves Resolution Addressing “Rebirthing” Technique

The House on September 17 approved, 397-0, a resolution (H. Con. Res. 435) that expresses the sense of Congress that the therapeutic technique known as rebirthing is a dangerous practice and should be prohibited. The resolution is sponsored by Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC).

“Rebirthing” is a form of “attachment therapy” intended to create new bonds between adopted children and their adoptive parents; however, the technique is not recognized by the American Psychological Association. The technique involves holding the children in forced restraints to enact the pains of birth and caused the asphyxiation death of a 10-year-old girl in 2000.

In urging Members to support the resolution, Rep. Myrick said, “I introduced this resolution in July to honor a little girl from North Carolina who lost her life tragically….” She continued, “I encourage all states to outlaw this voodoo science and prevent another tragedy from happening.”