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Bills Introduced

Child Care
H.R. 532—-Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) / Education and Labor (01/17/07)—A bill to increase the availability and affordability of quality child care services by creating incentives for older individuals to join the child care workforce.


Child Protection
H. Res. 67—-Rep. John T. Doolittle (R-CA) / Education and Labor, Energy and Commerce (01/16/07)—A resolution expressing the sense of the House with respect to the designation of a National Shaken Baby Syndrome Awareness Week.


Child Support
H.R. 491—-Rep. Dennis Moore (D-KS) / Foreign Affairs, Ways and Means (01/16/07)—A bill to provide for the mandatory revocation of passports of individuals who are more than $5,000 in arrears in child support payments.


H.R. 472—-Rep. Howard McKeon (R-CA) / Education and Labor (01/16/07)—A bill to address the issues of college affordability and transparency.

H.R. 567—-Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) / Education and Labor (01/18/07)—A bill to ensure Pell Grant eligibility for any student whose parent or guardian died as a result of performing military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 2001.

H. Res. 81—-Rep. David Wu (D-OR) / Education and Labor (01/19/07)—A resolution to express the sense of the House that the maximum Pell Grant should be increased to $5,800.


Financial Literacy
H.R. 531—-Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) / Education and Labor (01/17/07)—A bill to establish a grant program to enhance the financial and retirement literacy of mid-life and older Americans and to reduce financial abuse and fraud among such Americans.


H.R. 506—-Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) / Energy and Commerce, Rules (01/17/07)—A bill to provide for innovation in health care through state initiatives that expand coverage and access.

S. 325—-Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) / Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (01/17/07)—A bill to provide for innovation in health care through state initiatives that expand coverage and access and improve quality and efficiency in the health care system.

H. Con. Res. 35—-Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) / Energy and Commerce (01/18/07)—Concurrent resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

S. 334—-Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) / Finance (01/18/07)—A bill to provide affordable, guaranteed private health coverage that will make Americans healthier and can never be taken away.

H.R. 593—-Rep. David Reichert (R-WA) / Energy and Commerce (01/19/07)—A bill to provide grants to promote innovative outreach and enrollment under the Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs.


H. Con. Res. 39—-Rep. Louise McIntosh Slaughter (D-NY) / Oversight and Government Reform (01/19/07)—A concurrent resolution honoring women’s health advocate Cynthia Boles Dailard.


Tax Policy
S. 301—-Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) / Finance (01/16/07)—A bill to provide higher education assistance for nontraditional students.

H.R. 590—-Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) / Ways and Means (01/19/07)—A bill to increase the annual contribution limit to Coverdell education savings accounts.

H.R. 598—-Rep. David Wu (D-OR) / Ways and Means (01/19/07)—A bill to repeal the limitations on the maximum amount of the deduction of interest on education loans