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Bills Introduced

H.R. 4883—-Rep. Michael G. Fitzpatrick (R-PA) / Judiciary (03/07/06)—A bill to provide justice for crime victims’ families.

H.R. 4894—-Rep. Jon Porter (R-NV) / Judiciary (03/07/06)—A bill to provide for certain access to national crime information databases by schools and educational agencies for employment purposes, with respect to individuals who work with children.

H.R. 4905—-Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) / Judiciary (03/08/06)—A bill to provide for the registration of sex offenders and for appropriate notification of their whereabouts.


H.R. 4927—-Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-OH) / Energy and Commerce (03/09/06)—A bill to advance medical research and treatments into pediatric cancers, ensure patients and families have access to the current treatments and information regarding pediatric cancers, establish a population-based national childhood cancer database, and promote public awareness of pediatric cancers.

S. 2393—-Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN) / Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (03/09/06)—A bill to advance medical research and treatments into pediatric cancers, ensure patients and families have access to the current treatments and information regarding pediatric cancers, establish a population-based national childhood cancer database, and promote public awareness of pediatric cancers.


S. Res. 393—-Sen. Joseph Biden (D-DE) / Judiciary (03/07/06)—A resolution designating March 8, 2006, as “International Women’s Day.”

S. 2392—-Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) / Foreign Relations (03/08/06)—A bill to promote the empowerment of women in Afghanistan.

S. Res. 392—-Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) / Judiciary (03/08/06)—A resolution designating March 8, 2006, as “International Women’s Day.”


H.R. 4898—-Rep. Lynn C. Woolsey (D-CA) / Armed Services, Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, International Relations (03/07/06)—A bill to reallocate funds toward sensible priorities such as improved children’s education, increased children’s access to health care, expanded job training, and increased energy efficiency and conservation through a reduction of wasteful defense spending.