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House Approves Legislation to Assist Afghan Women and Girls

On June 6, the House approved, 406-10, legislation (H.R. 2446) to provide aid to Afghanistan, including assistance to women and girls. The House Foreign Affairs Committee approved the measure on May 23 (see The Source, 5/25/07).

During consideration of the bill, the House adopted, by voice vote, two amendments affecting women and girls sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX). One would provide technical assistance for training government personnel on issues, including women’s rights and education, and promote efforts to ensure that girls’ secondary education prepares them to pursue post-secondary education. The other would strengthen women’s political participation by protecting women legislators when they return to their provinces.

Referring to the amendment on education for girls, Rep. Jackson Lee stated, “My amendment also…[encourages] girls in Afghanistan to finish secondary school. We realize this bill has a very strong focus on women and girls, but there has to be the added measure of incentive, not only to the earlier grades, but to say to a young woman that by finishing secondary school, you can go on to post-secondary education, building the blocks of democracy which would include women who would be enabled to be doctors, lawyers, scientists and teachers, building a society in Afghanistan that will need not only men but also women.”

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) agreed, saying, “Without proper education of its women and a society more open to women who [are] holding jobs, Afghanistan’s political and economic development is doomed to failure. Providing Afghan girls with proper education will give rise to a new generation of confident and educated women with skills to pursue careers that will open unprecedented opportunities for them and enhance Afghanistan’s economic sector.