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FY2016 Budget Summary

President Sends FY2016 Budget to Congress

On February 2, President Obama submitted to Congress his FY2016 budget. Released shortly after his  State of the Union address, the budget provides the details of the president’s spending priorities for the upcoming fiscal year.

The budget provides $4 trillion in overall spending for FY2016, which begins on October 1. The proposed budget increases spending by $38 billion for defense and $33 billion for nondefense spending, exceeding the spending caps established in the Bipartisan Budget Act (P.L. 113-67).

In December, Congress passed an omnibus spending bill (P.L. 113-235) that funds most of the federal government through FY2015 (see FY2015 Appropriations Summary). Congress extended funding for the Department of Homeland Security through February 27.

The charts below summarize funding levels for various programs important to women and their families. The administration also outlines several priorities for women and girls in its fact sheet: “Supporting  Women and Working Families.


Department of Agriculture

The budget proposes $156 billion in overall spending in FY2016 for the Department of Agriculture. This amount includes $131 billion in mandatory spending and $25 billion in discretionary spending. The administration’s request totaled $152 billion in overall spending in FY2015.



 P resident’s FY2016 Re quest

Food and Nutrition Service

$110.19 billion

$112.44 billion

Child Nutrition Programs

$21.3 billion

$21.587 billion

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

$6.623 billion

$6.623 billion*

Special Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

$81.838 billion

$83.692 billion

Commodity Assistance Program

$278.501 million

$288.317 million

Foreign Agricultural Service

P.L. 480 Title II Food for Peace

$1.466 billion

$1.4 billion

McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition

$191.626 million

$191.626 million

*Includes $60 million for breastfeeding peer counseling and other related activities. Defense

The Department of Defense budget proposes a $534.3 billion base budget in FY2016. In addition, the request would allocate $50.9 billion in overseas contingency operations (OCO), bringing the overall request to $585.2 billion. The president requested $560.4 billion in FY2015, which included $496.1 billion in base funding and $64.3 billion in OCO.



 President’s FY2016 Request

Defense Health Program

$32.5 billion

$32.9 billion

Military Personnel

$128 billion

$130.5 billion

Family Housing

$1.1 billion

$1.4 billion

Child Care and Youth Programs

$1.1 billion

$1.2 billion

Military Spouse Employment

$100 million

$100 million


Department of Education

The administration’s request includes $70.7 billion in discretionary funds for the Department of Education. This amount represents a $3.6 billion increase over FY2015. The budget also proposes $1.3 billion for the Preschool for All program and $750 million for Preschool Development grants.



 President’s FY2016 Request

Title I Grants to LEAs

$14.41 billion

$15.41 billion

Special Education Grants for Infants and Families

$438.6 million

$503.6 million

Child Care Access Means Students in School (CCAMPIS)

$15.1 million

$15.1 million

Office for Civil Rights

$100 million

$130.69 million


Department of Health and Human Services

The administration’s FY2016 request for the Department of Health and Human Services provides $1.093 trillion in overall funding. This amount is $44.755 billion over the request for FY2015 and includes

$83.795 billion in discretionary funding.



 President’s FY2016 Request

Food and Drug Administration

$2.597 billion

$2.744 billion

User Fees

$1.909 billion

$2.187 billion

Mammography User Fees

$20 million

$20 million

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

$6.112 billion

$6.225 billion

Community Health Centers (overall)

$4.901 billion

$4.902 billion

Maternal and Child Health Bureau

$1.254 billion

$1.352 billion

Maternal and Child Health Block Grant

$637 million

$637 million

Heritable Disorders

$14 million

$14 million

Universal Newborn Hearing Screening

$18 million

$18 million

Healthy Start

$102 million

$102 million

Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act

$2.319 billion

$2.323 billion


Ryan White Part C – Early Intervention

$201 million

$280 million*

Ryan White Part D – Children, Youth, Women, and Families Programs

$75.088 million


Family Planning

$286.479 million

$300 million

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

$6.073 billion

$6.17 billion

Global Health

$447 million**

$448 million

HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and TB Prevention

$1.118 billion

$1.162 billion

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

$29.446 billion

$30.314 billion

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

$271 million

$282 million

Administration for Children and Families (overall)

$51.599 billion

$59.676 billion

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

$16.737 billion

$16.739 billion

Child Support Enforcement

$4.038 billion

$4.215 billion

Refugee and Entrant Assistance (aid to victims of trafficking)

$16 million

$22 million

Refugee and Entrant Assistance (unaccompanied minors)

$948 million

$967 million

Child Care Development Block Grant

$2.435 billion

$2.805 billion

Children and Families Services Programs

$10.346 billion

$11.911 billion

Head Start

$8.598 billion

$10.118 billion

Consolidated Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs

$114.141 million

$123 million

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment Activities

$93.818 million

$114 million

Abandoned Infants Assistance

$11.063 million

$11 million

Child Welfare Training and Services

$335 million

$338 million

Adoption Incentives

$38 million

$38 million

Family Violence/Battered Women’s Shelters

$134 million

$150 million

National Domestic Violence Hotline

$4.5 million

$12 million

Promoting Safe and Stable Families (overall)

$530 million

$435 million***

Office of the Secretary

$536 million

$586 million

Pregnancy Assistance Fund

$23 million

$25 million


Teen Pregnancy Prevention Community Grants

$101 million

$105 million

Office for Civil Rights

$39 million

$43 million

Office of Minority Health

$56.67 million

$57 million

Office on Women’s Health

$32.14 million

$32 million

Minority HIV/AIDS

$52.224 million

$54 million

*The budget proposes to consolidate funding for Ryan White Part D into Part C. “The consolidated Part C program will emphasize care across all vulnerable populations, genders, and ages, thus assuring services for women, infants, children, and youth throughout the program.”

**Includes $30 million allocated for Ebola response programs from the Continuing Appropriations Resolution (P.L. 113-164).

***The total for Promoting Safe and Stable Families includes funding for abstinence education and the Personal Responsibility Education Program.


Department of Housing and Urban Development

The administration’s request includes $49.3 billion in discretionary funding for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This amount is $3.963 billion over FY2015.



 President’s FY2016 Request

Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS

$330 million

$332 million


Department of Justice

The president requested $28.654 billion in discretionary funds for FY2016. This amount is $2.427 billion over FY2015 and includes $21 million for a new VAWA 20/20 initiative. According to the budget summary, VAWA 20/20 will “focus on evidence-based intervention and documenting and evaluating results.” It includes $15 million to improve law enforcement and prosecutorial responses to sexual assault and $6 million to implement a domestic violence firearms lethality initiative.

An additional $14 million was requested for the Violence on College Campuses program. The summary notes that “[t]he additional funding will be used to expand victim safety and offender accountability on college campuses and to support implementation of recommendations made by the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault.”

The total also includes $5 million for a new Tribal Jurisdiction program, which was authorized in the VAWA Reauthorization Act (P.L. 113-4), $41 million for the Community Teams to Reduce the Sexual Assault Kit Backlog program, and $2 million for the Girls in the Justice System competitive grant program.



 President’s FY2016 Request

Office on Violence Against Women

$430 million

$473.5 million


Grants to Combat Violence Against Women (STOP Grants)

$195 million

$193 million

Transitional Housing Assistance

$26 million

$25 million

Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women

$3 million

$3 million

Sexual Assault Victims Services

$30 million

$27 million

Rural Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Enforcement

$33 million

$33 million

Violence on College Campuses

$12 million

$26 million

Civil Legal Assistance

$42.5 million

$52.5 million

Elder Abuse Grant Program

$4.5 million

$4.25 million

Grants to Support Families in the Justice System

$16 million

$16 million

Education and Training for Disabled Female Victims

$6 million

$5.75 million

Research on Violence Against Indian Women

$1 million

$1 million

Indian Country Sexual Assault Clearinghouse



National Resource Center on Workplace Responses



Consolidated Youth-Oriented Program

$10 million

$10 million

Office of Justice Programs

$1.619 billion

$1.649 billion

Victims of Trafficking Grants

$42.25 million

$10.5 million

Prison Rape Prevention and Prosecution

$13 million

$10.5 million

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

$6 million

$6 million

DNA Initiative

$125 million

$105 million


Department of Labor

President Obama requested $49.8 billion in overall spending for FY2016. This amount is $700 million over FY2015 and includes $13.2 billion and $36.6 billion in discretionary and mandatory funding, respectively.



 President’s FY2016 Request

Dislocated Worker’s Assistance

$1.236 billion

$1.262 billion

Women in Apprenticeships



Women’s Bureau

$11.536 million

$11.788 million

International Labor Affairs

$91.125 million

$94.517 million

*“Although this program is intended to address a critical need, these needs will be addressed more efficiently and effectively through the new Apprenticeship Grants program [$100 million in FY2016] and other department and administration efforts aimed at expanding registered apprenticeship opportunities, including to underrepresented populations like women.”


Department of State

The administration proposes $50.3 billion for the Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in FY2016. This amount includes $7 billion for overseas contingency operations and is an increase over the $49.26 billion enacted in FY2015.

The total includes $250 million for the Let Girls Learn initiative. The summary notes that the program “will improve access to quality education and healthcare, and help address violence and other barriers to education that adolescent girls face.”



 President’s FY2016 Request

Diplomatic and Consular Affairs

$6.461 billion

$7.096 billion

International Peacekeeping

$2.119 billion

$2.93 billion

Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

$7.5 million

$20.723 million

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

$1.276 billion

$1.626 billion

Migration and Refugee Assistance

$931.886 million

$1.635 billion

Global Health and Child Survival (State and USAID)

$8.454 billion

$8.181 billion

President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)

$5.67 billion

$5.426 billion

Child Survival and Maternal Health

$715 million

$770 million

Vulnerable Children

$22 million

$14.5 million

Family Planning/Reproductive Health

$523.95 million

$538 million

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria

$1.35 billion

$1.107 billion


$330 million

$330 million


$45 million

$45 million

U.N. Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

$132 million

$132 million

U.N. Women (formerly UNIFEM)

$7.5 million

$7.7 million

U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA)

$35 million

$35 million


Department of Veterans Affairs

The administration requests $168.8 billion in overall funding for FY2016, which includes $70.2 billion and

$95.3 billion in discretionary and mandatory funds, respectively. This amount is $5.2 billion over FY2015 and includes funding for gender-specific care for women veterans.

The summary notes that “VA is anticipating and preparing not only for the increase in the number of women veterans, but also for the accompanying complexity and longevity of treatment needs they will bring with them.”



 President’s FY2016 Request

Women Veterans

$412 million

$446 million


Other Agencies

In addition to the departments listed above, the budget request includes funding for several independent federal agencies, including the Small Business Administration, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Commission on Civil Rights, and the Legal Services Corporation.



President’s FY2016 Request

Small Business Administration

$887.604 million

$860.13 billion

Women’s Business Centers

$15 million

$16 million

National Women’s Business Council

$1 million

$1 million

Microloan Technical Assistance

$22.3 million

$25 million

Small Business Development Centers

$115 million

$115 million

Equal Employment Opportunity  Commission

$364.5 million

$373.112 million

Commission on Civil Rights

$9.2 million

$9.413 million

Legal Services Corporation

$375 million

$452 million