On September 25, the House passed S. 1141, the Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017, by voice vote, clearing the bill for the president’s signature. The bill passed the Senate on August 3 (see The Source, 8/4/17); an earlier version of the bill sponsored by Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD), H.R. 2484, cleared the House on June 20 (see The Source, 6/23/17).
The bill would ensure that the United States promotes “meaningful participation of women in mediation and negotiation processes seeking to prevent, mitigate, or resolve violent conflict.” A government-wide strategy would be implemented to train personnel regarding the participation of women and to evaluate progress toward this goal.
The report filed by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations notes that the bill would not increase “direct spending or on-budget deficits,” costing less than $500,000 over the 2018-2022 period.