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House Appropriations Subcommittee Passes Labor, HHS Spending Bill

On July 13, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services (HHS), Education, and Related Agencies approved, 9-6, the FY2018 Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies spending bill (as-yet-unnumbered), as amended.

According to the committee summary, the bill includes $156 billion in discretionary funding for programs within the Departments of Labor, HHS, Education, and other federal agencies, a $5 billion decrease from FY2017.

The Department of Labor would receive $10.8 billion in discretionary funding, which is $1.3 billion below FY2017.

The Department of Health and Human Services would be funded at $77.6 billion. This amount is $542 million below FY2017 and $14.5 billion above the president’s request. It includes $7 billion for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, $198 million below FY2017 and $1 billion above the president’s request.

The National Institutes of Health would receive $35.2 billion, an increase of $1.1 billion from FY2017 and $8.6 billion above the president’s request.

The measure would provide $5.8 billion for the Health Resources and Services Administration. This amount is $398 million below FY2017 and $277 million above the president’s request. The bill would provide $103.5 million for the Healthy Start program and $642 million for the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant, the same levels as FY2017. The bill would eliminate funding for the Title X Family Planning Program; the program received $286.479 million in FY2017.

The Administration for Children and Families would receive $18.5 billion in discretionary funding, $761 million below FY2017 and $4 billion above the president’s request. This amount includes $9.3 billion for Head Start programs, an increase of $22 million from FY2017.

The Department of Education would be funded at $66 billion, a $2.4 billion decrease from FY2017.

Additional details will be provided when the committee releases its report.