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Bills Introduced

Adoption/Foster Care

H.R. 4980—Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI)/Ways and Means, Budget (6/26/14)—A bill to prevent and address sex trafficking of children in foster care, to extend and improve adoption incentives, and to improve international child support recovery.

Child Care/Education

H.R. 4965—Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX)/Education and the Workforce (6/25/14)—A bill to award grants to improve childhood care and education for local governments and local educational agencies.

H.R. 5000—Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL)/Education and the Workforce, Ways and Means (6/26/14)—A bill to provide for child care services for families with infants or toddlers, and for other purposes.

Child Protection

H.R. 4943—Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN)/Education and the Workforce, Judiciary (6/23/14)—A bill to improve the training of child protection professionals.

S. 2528—Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)/Judiciary (6/25/14)—A bill to clarify the authority of the United States Marshals Service to assist other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies in the investigation of cases involving missing children.

Human Trafficking

S. 2536—Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL)/Judiciary (6/26/14)—A bill to provide for enhanced criminal and civil remedies in the protection of children and other victims of commercial sexual exploitation and related crimes.

S. 2561—-Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)/Judiciary (6/26/14)—A bill to prevent organized human smuggling, and for other purposes.


H.R. 4997—-Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT)/Foreign Affairs (6/26/14)—A bill to provide assistance to sub-Saharan Africa to combat obstetric fistula.


H.R. 4936—Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)/Judiciary (6/23/14)—A bill to require the attorney general to appoint counsel for unaccompanied alien children and aliens with serious mental disabilities, and for other purposes.


H.R. 4968—Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV)/Financial Services, House Administration (6/25/14)—A bill to posthumously award a Congressional gold medal to Maya Angelou in recognition of her achievements and contributions to American culture and the civil rights movement.

H.R. 4972—Rep. Donald Payne, Jr. (D-NJ)/Financial Services (6/25/14)—A bill to award posthumously a Congressional Gold Medal to Althea Gibson, in recognition of her groundbreaking achievements in athletics and her commitment to ending racial discrimination and prejudice within the world of athletics.

Tax Policy

H.R. 4935—Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS)/Ways and Means (6/23/14)—A bill to make improvements to the child tax credit.